Welcome To My Blog

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Welcome to my little blog. I will post here some of my happenings and also put up some photos. Hope you enjoy! I'm a Mr nice guy :-)Only ordinary people who live in that part of the power of dreams becoming reality. I have a high sense of nationalism for the country even though I come from a minority, this time I served as chairman of the National Mandate Party Manado. And last, I wanted to say, Khalil Gibran is still alive today. God is always with us


Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

Kebijakan seorang ayah

Indonesia : Tiga hari sebelum acara pernikahan, saya berbicara dan bertanya pada papa saya, mengapa akhir-akhir ini saya selalu menderita, malang benar nasibku..masalah datang bertubi2 silih berganti seperti tiada habisnya..Pahiit rasanya hidup ini. Sambil tersenyum papa berjalan ke belakang kemudian mengambil sebungkus bubuk dan dia menaruhnya ke dalam gelas. Coba minum air ini, Tanpa ragu saya langsung meminum air itu, tapi rasanya sangat pahit, saya kira ini jamu. Papa tersenyum dan mengambil lagi sebungkus bubuk dan menaruhnya ke dalam ember air atau galon aqua. Nah, coba di minum air yg ini, kata papa. Saya meminum sedikit air dari dalam ember besar itu. Ahhh, segar rasanya..ini baru namanya air. Papa pun berkata, Anakku, dgn cara inilah kamu mengurangi kepahitan hidupmu. Bubuk yang saya berikan adalah sama, hanya saya menaruh satu di wadah yg kecil dan satu lagi di wadah yg lebih besar.. Setiap kepahitan hidup datang kepadamu jangan menaruhnya di hatimu yg kecil tetapi lapangkanlah hatimu, semakin besar kepahitanmu, semakin besarkan juga hatimu.. maka kepahitan itu akan tidak terasa lagi di dirimu. Selamat menempuh hidup baru anaku satu-satunya
English : Three days before the wedding, I talked and asked my Dad, why lately I have always suffered poor luck .. the problem is coming on after another like a never-ending. With a smile, Dad walked to the back then took a packet of powder and he was put into a glass. Try drinking this water, without hesitation I immediately drank the water, but it was very bitter, I think this herb. Dad smiled and took another packet of powder and put into a bucket of water. Well, try to drink water in this, says Dad. I drank a little water from the big bucket. Ahhh, fresh taste. Daddy would say, my son, with this way you reduce the bitterness of life. I give the powder is the same, I just put a reply in a small container and one in a larger container .. Every bitterness life come to you not to put it in your heart a little reply, but raised the heart, the greater the bitterness, the more exaggerated your heart too .. the bitterness will not feel more in yourself. May you be happy in your new life

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