Welcome To My Blog

Foto saya
Welcome to my little blog. I will post here some of my happenings and also put up some photos. Hope you enjoy! I'm a Mr nice guy :-)Only ordinary people who live in that part of the power of dreams becoming reality. I have a high sense of nationalism for the country even though I come from a minority, this time I served as chairman of the National Mandate Party Manado. And last, I wanted to say, Khalil Gibran is still alive today. God is always with us


Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

Dear My Bride

No matter what I look like, Whether pretty or plain you see,When I’m all dressed up or in PJs, You just keep on loving me. Sometimes I’m happy and cheerful; Other times grumpy and sad; Your absolute love never wavers, Whether I’m grouchy or glad.
Sometimes I try to change you; And sometimes I criticize; But I feel something melting within me, When I see all the love in your eyes.
Your tolerance is endless, However I choose to be;Having my love makes you happy, So you just keep on loving me.And that is why, my darling, Whatever else I do, One thing is sure; no matter what, I’ll just keep on loving you.

I'm just a Photographer, not a leader of party words

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