Welcome To My Blog

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Welcome to my little blog. I will post here some of my happenings and also put up some photos. Hope you enjoy! I'm a Mr nice guy :-)Only ordinary people who live in that part of the power of dreams becoming reality. I have a high sense of nationalism for the country even though I come from a minority, this time I served as chairman of the National Mandate Party Manado. And last, I wanted to say, Khalil Gibran is still alive today. God is always with us


Sabtu, 17 April 2010

Result of Hongkong April 2010

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Hong Kong April 2010

This time I made a pre-wedding photos in Hong Kong, but this time the weather is very cold. Unlike what we expect, because we came up with the concept of sunny weather, but no problem, everything can be controlled and we managed to make a lot of very beautiful photographs.
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