Welcome to my little blog. I will post here some of my happenings and also put up some photos. Hope you enjoy!
I'm a Mr nice guy :-)Only ordinary people who live in that part of the power of dreams becoming reality. I have a high sense of nationalism for the country even though I come from a minority, this time I served as chairman of the National Mandate Party Manado. And last, I wanted to say, Khalil Gibran is still alive today. God is always with us
Morning, I'm busy installing a camera in the under water housing, and ready to go diving. Suddenly there is a man name stands greet me HWK, makes me surprised, why he can I know? He is very friendly, and that makes me wonder, he did not have breakfast, but only a few cans of Guinness beer to drink . One is very good, even extraordinary good. since that time we are best friend. I called him the drunken diver!!
March 2006 After so long, eventually also meet with my friend, the insanity that most people I know. Hahahahahaha .. always happy and always at sea, thanks for the dives Paul